Call Northside 777 (1948) Poster

Call Northside 777 (1948) Subtitles

James Stewart, E.G. Marshall, Lee J. Cobb, Helen Walker

Call Northside 777 is a gripping film noir based on a true story. Set in 1932, the movie revolves around a young journalist named P.J. McNeal, who is working for the Chicago Times. One day, an advertisement offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the release of a wrongfully convicted prisoner, Frank Wiecek, catches McNeal's attention. Wiecek has spent 11 years in prison for a crime he claims he did not commit – the murder of a police officer during a robbery. Intrigued by the case, McNeal decides to investigate, despite the skepticism of his editor and the police. McNeal's investigation takes him to the Polish-American neighborhood where Wiecek's family lives. He meets Wiecek's mother, Tillie, who has never stopped believing in her son's innocence. Through interviews and research, McNeal slowly uncovers new evidence that casts doubt on Wiecek's guilt. He finds a witness who claims that Wiecek was not at the scene of the crime, as well as a photograph that supports the witness's story. McNeal's determination to uncover the truth puts him at odds with the police and the legal system, but he persists. With the help of his resourceful and dedicated editor, Brian Kelly, McNeal fights to bring the new evidence to light and secure Wiecek's release. The movie builds to a tense and dramatic climax as McNeal races against time to present the evidence before Wiecek's scheduled execution. In the end, McNeal's relentless pursuit of the truth pays off, and Wiecek is exonerated, proving the power of investigative journalism and the perseverance of the human spirit.

    RATED: 7.4
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 1948-02-13
    DIRECTOR: Henry Hathaway