Killer's Kiss (1955) Poster

Killer's Kiss (1955) Subtitles

Irene Kane, Jamie Smith, Frank Silvera, Felice Orlandi

The movie 'Killer's Kiss' follows the story of Davy Gordon, a young boxer who is struggling to make ends meet in New York City. Davy meets Gloria Price, a beautiful and enigmatic dancer who lives in the same apartment building. The two quickly form a connection, but their budding romance is threatened by Gloria's possessive and dangerous ex-boss, Vincent Rapallo. Vincent is a small-time gangster who is obsessed with Gloria and is determined to keep her under his control. As Davy and Gloria's relationship deepens, Vincent becomes increasingly volatile and threatens to harm them both. Desperate to escape Vincent's clutches, Gloria hatches a plan to steal his money and start a new life with Davy. However, their plan goes awry, and they find themselves on the run from Vincent and his henchmen. The movie culminates in a gripping and suspenseful showdown, as Davy and Gloria must fight for their lives against Vincent's relentless pursuit. 'Killer's Kiss' is a thrilling film noir that explores the dark and dangerous underbelly of New York City, where love and desperation collide in a deadly game of survival.

    RATED: 6.6
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 1955-09-21
    DVD RELEASE: 2005-04-19
    DIRECTOR: Stanley Kubrick