Prime Cut (1972) Poster

Prime Cut (1972) Subtitles

Gene Hackman, Sissy Spacek, Lee Marvin, Angel Tompkins

Prime Cut is a crime thriller film set in Kansas City, where a powerful and ruthless mob boss named Mary Ann (played by Gene Hackman) runs a meat-packing empire that serves as a front for his criminal activities. The story revolves around Nick Devlin (played by Lee Marvin), a Chicago mob enforcer who is sent to Kansas City by his boss to collect a debt from Mary Ann. However, Nick soon discovers that Mary Ann is involved in a human trafficking operation, using young women as sex slaves, and also running a drug trade. Nick is appalled by the brutality and inhumanity of Mary Ann's operation and decides to take matters into his own hands. He teams up with a feisty young woman named Poppy (played by Sissy Spacek), who was one of Mary Ann's victims but has now turned against him. Together, they launch a daring and dangerous plan to bring down Mary Ann and his criminal empire. As Nick and Poppy navigate the treacherous underworld of Kansas City, they face deadly opposition from Mary Ann's henchmen, leading to intense action sequences and suspenseful confrontations. Ultimately, Nick and Poppy succeed in dismantling Mary Ann's operation and freeing the captive women, but not without facing personal sacrifices and enduring harrowing challenges. The film delivers a powerful message about the resilience of the human spirit in the face of exploitation and oppression, and the triumph of justice over evil in a world tainted by corruption and greed.

    RATED: 6.8
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 1972-06-16
    DIRECTOR: Michael Ritchie