Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn (2019) Poster

Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn (2019) Subtitles

The movie 'Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn' follows the story of a young girl named Riko who lives in a town built around the edge of a massive chasm known as the Abyss. The Abyss is a mysterious and dangerous place filled with strange creatures and valuable artifacts, and it has always been Riko's dream to become a Cave Raider and explore its depths. Riko's mother, Lyza, was a legendary Cave Raider who ventured to the bottom of the Abyss and never returned, leaving Riko with a burning desire to follow in her footsteps. One day, while exploring the upper levels of the Abyss, Riko encounters a strange robot boy who has lost his memories and is unable to speak. She names him Reg and the two quickly become close friends. Together, they embark on a perilous journey into the Abyss, facing various challenges and meeting both friends and foes along the way. As they descend deeper into the Abyss, they uncover the dark secrets and hidden dangers that lurk within its depths, as well as the true nature of Reg and his connection to the Abyss. The movie is a captivating tale of adventure, friendship, and the unyielding human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

    RATED: 7.5
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2019-03-15
    DIRECTOR: Masayuki Kojima