Born a Champion (2021) Poster

Born a Champion (2021) Subtitles

Dennis Quaid, Katrina Bowden, Johnny Jay Lee, Sean Patrick Flanery

Mickey Kelley, a former jiu-jitsu champion, has fallen on hard times. Struggling to make ends meet, he takes a job as a debt collector to support his wife and young son. Despite his financial difficulties, Mickey still longs for the glory days of his past, when he was at the top of his game in the world of martial arts. When an opportunity arises for him to return to the sport, Mickey jumps at the chance, eager to prove himself once again. With the support of his family and friends, Mickey begins training for a high-stakes jiu-jitsu tournament. Along the way, he faces numerous challenges and obstacles, including doubts about his abilities and fierce competition from younger, more skilled fighters. As the tournament approaches, Mickey must dig deep within himself to find the strength and determination to overcome his adversaries and reclaim his rightful place as a champion. Through perseverance, resilience, and unwavering dedication, Mickey proves that he was indeed born a champion, both inside and outside the ring.

    RATED: 6.9
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2021-01-22
    DVD RELEASE: 2021-01-26
    DIRECTOR: Alex Ranarivelo