Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri (2019) Poster

Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri (2019) Subtitles

Cierra Ramirez, Skai Jackson, Jessica DiCicco

In Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri, the focus is on the vibrant and tech-savvy world of Wakanda. When a mysterious threat puts the safety of Wakanda at risk, Princess Shuri, the brilliant and inventive younger sister of Black Panther, takes charge to ensure the kingdom's protection. With her unmatched intellect and technological prowess, Shuri designs an advanced security system to safeguard Wakanda. However, as the situation escalates, she recognizes the need for additional support. In her quest to assemble a team of formidable heroes, Shuri enlists the help of the resourceful secret agent, Okoye, and the fearless leader, Black Panther. Together, they form an alliance to combat the impending danger. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they discover a formidable adversary, Crossbones, who is determined to unleash chaos and destruction upon Wakanda. The team must confront their fears and rely on each other's strengths to thwart Crossbones' malevolent plans. Along the way, they encounter new allies, such as Ironheart, a brilliant inventor with a powerful suit of armor, and Inferno, a fiery-tempered hero with the ability to manipulate flames. With their combined skills and unwavering determination, the team embarks on a thrilling and action-packed mission to protect Wakanda and uphold its legacy. Marvel Rising: Operation Shuri is an exhilarating adventure that celebrates the power of teamwork, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of the heroes who safeguard the world.

    RATED: 5.2
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2019-10-11
    DIRECTOR: Eric Radomski