All the Dead Ones (2020) Poster

All the Dead Ones (2020) Subtitles

The movie 'All the Dead Ones' is set in the late 19th century in Brazil and follows the story of a once wealthy family, the Soares, who are struggling to come to terms with the abolition of slavery. The family is grappling with the loss of their status and wealth as they navigate the post-abolition society. At the same time, the movie also depicts the lives of former slaves who are now free but facing the challenges of building a new life in a society that is still deeply rooted in its old ways. The Soares family is haunted by the memories of their deceased matriarch, whose ghost seems to linger within the family's mansion, reflecting the lingering legacy of slavery and the weight of their past. As the family's fortunes continue to decline, they are forced to confront their own complicity in the exploitation of slaves and the harsh realities of the changing social order. The movie intricately weaves together the lives of the Soares family and the freed slaves, highlighting the interconnectedness of their experiences and the deep scars left by slavery. It delves into the themes of guilt, privilege, and the struggle for identity in a rapidly transforming society. As the characters grapple with their past and present, they are ultimately faced with the question of how to reconcile with the legacy of slavery and find a path forward in a world that is irrevocably changed. 'All the Dead Ones' is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of the enduring impact of slavery and the complexities of freedom and redemption.

    RATED: 5.7
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2021-02-18
    DIRECTOR: Marco Dutra