Mirage (2019) Poster

Mirage (2019) Subtitles

In the movie Mirage, the story revolves around a young woman named Vera, who mysteriously finds herself transported back in time to a parallel universe. Vera is a successful architect living in present-day Madrid with her husband and young daughter. However, one fateful day, during a violent storm, Vera gets inexplicably trapped in a time warp and finds herself in the same apartment, but in the year 1989. Confused and disoriented, she realizes that she has somehow replaced a woman named Angela, who lived in the same apartment in the past. As she struggles to make sense of her situation, Vera discovers that Angela's life is in danger and that she has a limited window of time to prevent a series of tragic events from occurring. With the help of a young and ambitious journalist named Nico, Vera embarks on a race against time to alter the course of events and save Angela's life. Along the way, Vera grapples with the ethical implications of altering the past and the potential consequences it might have on her present-day life. As she delves deeper into the mystery, Vera uncovers dark secrets and unexpected connections that blur the line between past and present. With each twist and turn, Vera becomes increasingly determined to unravel the truth and set things right before it's too late. Mirage is a gripping and thought-provoking tale of time travel, redemption, and the resilience of the human spirit, as Vera navigates the complexities of fate and free will in a race against destiny.

    RATED: N/A
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2019-07-16
    DIRECTOR: Christophe Beaucourt