The Bit Player (2018) Poster

The Bit Player (2018) Subtitles

Judith Ivey

The Bit Player is a biographical drama that follows the life of Claude Shannon, a brilliant but little-known scientist who laid the groundwork for the digital revolution. The story begins with Shannon's early years, as he demonstrates a remarkable aptitude for mathematics and science. Despite facing financial hardships, Shannon manages to pursue his education and eventually lands a job at Bell Labs, where he begins to develop his groundbreaking theories on information theory. As World War II rages on, Shannon's work becomes increasingly important, and he finds himself at the forefront of the battle to protect American communication systems from enemy interference. With the war over, Shannon continues his research, delving into the world of cryptography and laying the foundation for modern digital encryption. However, his personal life is not without its challenges, as he struggles to balance his work with his relationships. The film also explores Shannon's complex personality, portraying him as a brilliant but often misunderstood figure. Despite his many achievements, Shannon remains humble and unassuming, preferring to let his work speak for itself. The Bit Player ultimately celebrates the legacy of a man whose ideas have had a profound impact on the modern world, shedding light on the life and work of a true unsung hero.

    RATED: 7.3
    IMDB: IMDB link
    RELEASED: 2018-06-19
    DIRECTOR: Mark Levinson